Most of the worldwide telecommunication laws and regulations dictate that websites that are not of a strictly private or personal nature must have a legally compliant imprint. This includes websites that contain a blog or texts of a journalistic nature.
The name of the contact person responsible for the content must be stated in the imprint, along with an address and means of contact. This means for instance a telephone number and an email address. Other legally stipulated information may be necessary. Please consult an expert to find out what specific information is required for your site.
Photo credits: Diego PH on Unsplash, on Unsplash, Yuichi Kageyama on Unsplash, Paul Talbot on Unsplash, Josh Eckstein on Unsplash, Lars Gelfan on Unsplash, Hannah Busing on Unsplash, S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash, Rachel Walker on Unsplash, Alli Remler on Unsplash, Jason Briscoe on Unsplash, Aaron Burden on Unsplash, Matt Silveira on Unsplash, Dylan Gillis on Unsplash, Toa Heftiba on Unsplash, Adam Mills on Unsplash